Our webinars help you PROVIDE retirement income that lasts a lifetime
Webinar #7: How should I invest my retirement savings to/thru retirement?

Many people believe that upon retirement you should invest in only “safe” investments. However, there are other types of retirement risks besides protecting your savings from volatility in the stock market, such as living longer than your savings (longevity), inflation, sequence of returns (the effect of when investment losses are experienced early in retirement), etc. It is also important to choose investments appropriate for go-go, slow-go and no-go phases of retirement and for leaving a legacy if that is a goal.
Three things you need to know:
1. How to avoid investing risks in retirement by immunizing income you need for fixed expenses.
2. Discover the tools available today to help you immunize your retirement income.
3. Learn a simple approach to help your savings last in retirement with less risk.
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