Welcome to Retirement Smart for Consumers!
The next Retirement Smart education series begins broadcasting January 7th, 2019. A new webinar will be introduced every Monday through March 4, 2019, with a bonus session on March 11th!
- Access to courses on the any device – desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone – as often as you’d like.
- Ability to view and/or listen to courses during your commute, when you exercise, make meals, etc.
- Courses are available for your review for one year after purchase (to make sure you are accessing the most current information).
- An Action Plan per course is available for taking notes to help capture your next steps.
- A Certificate of Completion after completing the course.
- We recommend that you then take your Action Plans and Certificate to your adviser or find one who can help you implement what you’ve identified as important to do or further explore to secure your retirement.
Our webinars help you PLAN for retirement
Webinar #1: How do I successfully transition to retirement?

What if your biggest retirement threat is not inflation, health care costs, or running out of money? While these are important, each one pales in comparison to running out of family, friends, good health, and retirement happiness. It is important to prepare for your new everyday life by re-envisioning retirement in terms of your overall wellness so you can be happy, healthy, and more connected.
Three things you need to know:
1. How to make retirement a time of life that is truly meaningful.
2. How to replace your work identity, re-invent yourself, strengthen relationships and stay connected.
3. How to develop wellness habits for your body, mind, and spirit to avoid the dark side of retirement.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 35 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1577137675845384449″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2019 – [/button]
Our webinars help you PROTECT your retirement from risks
Webinar #2: When should I take Social Security?

Over 10,000 baby boomers will claim their Social Security each day for the next twenty years. The average couple receives over $1 million in lifetime Social Security benefits during their lifetime. Deciding when and how to claim Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make and one of the best ways to help you manage longevity risk (living longer than expected).
Three things you need to know:
1. How married, single, divorced, and survivor retirees can maximize their benefits.
2. How to file, when to file, and the correct way to file for Social Security.
3. How to avoid costly mistakes and common traps.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 55 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2968037477361444610″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #3: What do I need to know about Medicare?

Planning for healthcare is an important component of your retirement plan. Medicare is not designed to cover all your healthcare costs starting at age 65. In addition, custodial and long-term care costs are not covered by Medicare and can have a substantial impact on your quality of life and financial plan. It is important to be aware of potential solutions designed specifically to create tax-efficient income for your out-of-pocket retirement healthcare and custodial care needs.
Three things you need to know:
1. Understand what Medicare, Medigap, Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans cover.
2. What to expect for routine retirement health care costs, including a description of health and wealth considerations.
3. How Roth IRAs, Roth 401(k)s, and health savings accounts can be utilized for tax-efficient payment of retirement healthcare.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 55 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8511131890285757953″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #4: How can a health savings account help me pay for medical and long-term care premiums and expenses in retirement?

We underestimate how much of our retirement income will be spent on health care costs. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are well suited to fill this void by offering superior tax efficiency today coupled with the flexibility to meet a retiree’s changing needs as they age. Although not every American can have an HSA, this savings account option is increasingly available to workers as part of their employer-sponsored benefits package or for self-employed individuals with high deductible health plans.
Three things you need to know:
1. Learn about HSAs and how they compare to other tax-deferred savings programs.
2. Understand how HSAs can be invested and how to maximize savings via HSAs.
3. Understand how HSAs can help with your retiree health care costs.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 40 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1713203339769830913″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #5: How can I protect myself and my family from elder financial fraud?

Elder financial abuse is a growing problem. As retiring boomers become part of this population the problem is expected to increase dramatically. It is critical for you to understand the steps you can take to protect yourself or loved ones from financial abuse.
Three things you need to know:
1. Nine steps you should take to protect yourself.
2. The importance of holding family meetings to make your financial and caregiving wishes known.
3. What to include in a “Lifefolio” of important financial information
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 40 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2285297931553944834″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2019 – [/button]
Our webinars help you PROVIDE retirement income that lasts a lifetime
Webinar #6: How should I invest my retirement savings to/thru retirement?

Many people believe that upon retirement you should invest in only “safe” investments. However, there are other types of retirement risks besides protecting your savings from volatility in the stock market, such as living longer than your savings (longevity), inflation,”sequence of returns risk” (the effect of when investment losses are experienced early in retirement), etc. It is also important to choose investments appropriate for go-go, slow-go and no-go phases of retirement and for leaving a legacy if that is a goal.
Three things you need to know:
1. How to avoid money risks in retirement.
2. Understand how only two income buckets are needed.
3. How mostly everything you hear about investing for retirement today is overly complicated.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 40 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8667060231903179011″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #7: What should I do if I need more retirement lifetime income?

With longer life expectancies, rising health care costs, and fluctuating retirement savings values, establishing a consistent level of income is a challenge. It is important to understand the risks you face in retirement so you can make informed decisions about when to retire and how to take income from your pension, defined contribution plans, IRAs and other personal retirement savings. In this session, you will learn ways to help you close the gap between your expected income and expenses.
Three things you need to know:
1. The key risks of retirement to protect against.
2. Options for closing your retirement income gap.
3. How to create a retirement income plan that reduces the chance of running out of money.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 50 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6628482111278109442″ class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”golden” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Click here to view beginning MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #8: How can I use a home equity reverse mortgage to help my retirement savings last longer?

Home equity is the largest asset that most middle-income retirees have after the value of their Social Security and pension benefits. In a time when lifetime income sources such as pensions and Social Security benefits are declining, accessing home equity will become more important as people live longer and face increasing health care costs. Reverse mortgages offer a way to tap home equity for retirees to address these needs and stay in their home. Because of key changes made in the last several years to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program by the Federal Housing Administration, the safety and functionality of accessing home equity now go beyond supplementing retirement income.
Three things you need to know:
1. How a reverse mortgage does not leave debt to children, does not require monthly payments, is not taxable, and protects the homeowner with strong federal regulation.
2. How establishing a line of credit that keeps pace with inflation can provide the funds for a long-term care event, the effects of which fall so heavily on women.
3. Examples of how a reverse mortgage can be used to secure your retirement.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 45 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”” class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”grey” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Available MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #9: How do I make withdrawals from retirement savings to minimize taxes and penalties?

It is important to take traditional IRA and defined contribution retirement savings Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) on time and avoid penalties. Distributions from IRAs are usually considered ordinary income. Amounts withdrawn may also be subject to a 10 percent early distribution penalty if withdrawn before age 59½, however there are exceptions. Additionally, distributions from IRAs are usually optional until the owner reaches a certain age.
Three things you need to know:
1. The limitations of the conventional wisdom for drawing down savings for retirement income.
2. Why it is important to follow a retirement savings withdrawal strategy.
3. How to coordinate when you claim Social Security with a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy to increase the longevity of your assets.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 40 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”” class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”grey” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Available MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2019 – [/button]
Webinar #10: How do I plan for and communicate my intentions for future medical events?

As we age there are life transitions, and complex health and financial issues that we must navigate. An often overlooked is advance care planning – or defining, communicating and documenting healthcare wishes. It is important that we communicate personal, emotional and spiritual needs, along with medical and legal wishes, to your loved ones.
Three things you need to know:
1. Who you want to make health care decisions for you when you can’t make them yourself, and the kind of medical treatment you want or don’t want.
2. How you want people to treat you, how comfortable you want to be, and what you want your loved ones to know if you become seriously ill.
3. A cost-effective tool created with the help of the American Bar Association and health care experts that does not require legal help to complete, is approved for use in over 40 states, and used by over 30 million people worldwide.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 30 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
[button url=”” class=”button” size=”jumbo” color=”grey” target=”_blank” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] – Available MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2019 – [/button]