Welcome to Retirement Smart for Consumers!
- Access to courses on the any device – desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone – as often as you’d like.
- Ability to view and/or listen to courses during your commute, when you exercise, make meals, etc.
- Courses are available for your review for one year after purchase (to make sure you are accessing the most current information).
- An Action Plan per course is available for taking notes to help capture your next steps.
- A Certificate of Completion after completing the course.
- We recommend that you then take your Action Plans and Certificate to your adviser or find one who can help you implement what you’ve identified as important to do or further explore to secure your retirement.
Our webinars help you PROTECT your retirement from risks
Webinar #2: When should I take Social Security?

Over 10,000 baby boomers will claim their Social Security each day for the next twenty years. The average couple receives over $1 million in lifetime Social Security benefits during their lifetime. Deciding when and how to claim Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make and one of the best ways to help you manage longevity risk (living longer than expected).
Three things you need to know:
1. How married, single, divorced, and survivor retirees can maximize their benefits.
2. How to file, when to file, and the correct way to file for Social Security.
3. How to avoid costly mistakes and common traps.
PLEASE NOTE: Get the most from your learning experience by printing this Action Plan for taking notes and planning your next steps. We also recommend watching this video when you can invest an uninterrupted block of 60 minutes. The system does not allow fast forwarding, rewinding, pausing, or stopping to encourage you to give these presentations your full attention and become better prepared to make informed retirement decisions. If you cannot dedicate the time now to complete the program, we recommend waiting to view it until you have the time to do so. You may watch it as often as you like!
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