Be Retirement Smart – Webinar #2 – William Meyer
When should I take Social Security?
Retirement Smart Webinar #2 by William Meyer, CEO, Retiree, Inc. and Social Security Solutions, Inc.
Over 10,000 baby boomers will claim their Social Security each day for the next twenty years.
The average couple receives over $1 million in lifetime Social Security benefits during their lifetime.
Deciding when and how to claim Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make and one of the best ways to help you manage longevity risk (living longer than expected).
Three things you need to know:
1. How married, single, divorced, and survivor retirees can maximize their benefits.
2. How to file, when to file, and the correct way to file for Social Security.
3. How to avoid costly mistakes and common traps.
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Retirement Smart Educational Series – Leading retirement industry experts provide answers to these questions:
How do I successfully transition to retirement?
Webinar #1 by Robert Laura, CPRC, Retirement Activist
When should I take Social Security?
Webinar #2 by William Meyer, CEO, Retiree, Inc. and Social Security Solutions, Inc.
What do I need to know about Medicare and healthcare in retirement?
Webinar #3 by Peter Stahl, CFP®, Founder, Bedrock Business Results; WealthWatch
How can a Health Savings Account (HSA) help me pay for medical and long-term care premiums and expenses in retirement?
Webinar #4 by Peter Stahl, CFP®, Founder, Bedrock Business Results; WealthWatch
How can I protect myself and my family from elder financial fraud? Webinar #5 by Bob Mauterstock, CFP®,ChFC, CLTC, Eldercare Expert
What should I do if I need more retirement income?
Webinar #6 by Kevin Seibert, CFP®, CRC®, Managing Director, Int’l Foundation for Retirement Education
How should I invest my retirement savings to/thru retirement?
Webinar #7 by Michael Falk, CFA, CRC® – Behavioral Finance Expert
How can I use a home equity reverse mortgage to help my retirement savings last?
Webinar #8 Shelley Giordano, Chair of the Funding Longevity Task Force
How do I make withdrawals from my retirement savings to minimize taxes and increase how long my money lasts?
Webinar #9 by William Meyer, CEO, Retiree, Inc. and Social Security Solutions, Inc.
How do I plan for and communicate my intentions for future medical events?
Webinar #10 by Paul Malley, President of Aging with Dignity
Be Retirement Smart!
Weekly education for Future Retirees
What will I learn?
You want to know, “How can I afford to retire?”
We’ve compiled a group of industry leading experts who have spent decades determining the answer to that and other questions to help each of us to afford retirement the way we have always wanted to. They have compiled nine in-depth webinars on topics pre-retirees need to know, presented weekly for you to learn, review, and understand as you pursue your own retirement.
Read the topic question for each of the nine webinars at the right.
- See full descriptions of each webinar broadcast here.
- Ready to begin learning? Register now for the next series of nine webinar broadcasts released every Monday nine weeks.
How does it work?
Each week for nine weeks we introduce a new webinar on a topic future retirees need to know. Webinars may be viewed on desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones.
- Download the pdf with course descriptions available for taking notes to help capture your next steps and create your personal action plan.
- Print a Certificate of Completion after viewing the final webinar.
We recommend that you then take your Action Plans and Certificate to your advisor or find one who can help you implement what you’ve identified as important to do or further explore to secure your retirement.
What if I start late, miss a session, or just want to review?
- No worries if you start late or miss the intruction of a webinar — You may replay programs on demand after they are released whenever is most convenient for you.
- Webinars will remain available for your review for one year after release.
View this and other webinars in the series, risk-free for 30 days!
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
We know that you will be pleased with your purchase of the Retirement Smart Educational Series for Future Retirees. If, however, you are not completely satisfied notify us within 30 days of your purchase to receive a full refund of your fee.
Register today to receive one free bonus webinar, ten webinars in all.
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